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Training in the Weckerle Team

During your apprenticeship, you will be able to build on your strengths and develop your initiative, independence, communication skills and solution-finding skills. That makes you fit for the future. We support your professional and personal development in a targeted manner with further training measures, workshops and practical assignments in various specialist areas. At the vocational school, you will also learn the theoretical knowledge required for your respective apprenticeship.

Training is at the heart of our efforts to secure the next generation of employees, and in the future we will continue to rely on our well-trained young colleagues who bring with them the right know-how and commitment.

We develop our employees in the long term.

Apprenticeship industrial clerk

Exciting, diverse and always with perspective. A commercial apprenticeship is the perfect start to your professional life. Benefit from the advantages of medium-sized businesses and gain insights into different areas, such as sales, purchasing, IT, logistics, accounting, controlling or human resources.

Your skills, your ideas and an initiative are required from the first day.

Job description industrial clerk


Apprenticeship industrial clerk

Vacation Job, Internship, Girls & BoysDay, BORS & BOGY

You want to take a look behind the scenes of a modern chemical company? With us YOU get an insight into different departments, e.g. in the area of production, administration or also the laboratory.

Print – planet-beruf.de BOGY & BORS Internship | FUNDMATE

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Ausbildung Produktionsfachkraft Chemie (w/m/d)

Mit einer technischen Ausbildung bei Weckerle hast du viele Möglichkeiten.

Ausbildung Fachinformatiker*in Systemintegration (w/m/d) Start 09/2025

Auszubildenden Fachinformatiker Systemintegration (w/m/d)